The administrative law belongs to the public law and regulates the relations between government and citizens, and administrative institutions (government authorities and offices). In the event of lawsuits, the administrative legal process, regulated in VwGO is opened. It is divided into two major sections: the general and specific administrative law.
Three principles are distinctive in this legal area:
The general administrative law here regulates the relevant procedures, institutions and forms of action and enforcement posibilities of the administration, the special administrative law applies to specific matters, although it sometimes overlaps. Considered as matters of the special administrative law are: police law, right of assembly, street law, construction law, municipal law, industrial, craft and catering law, environmental law, water law, waste law, immission control law, school and university law, epidemic protection and more.
Often, a citizen is confronted with the administrative law when he needs an authorization for something like a building permit.
If you are planning a project which is subject to authorization or have received the decision of an administrative authority and need help: contact us!
Lawyer (Turkey)
Foreign Lawyer according
to § 206 BRAO
Tel.: +49 (0)7156 - 4 35 90