Through the business law, specifically the business private law, business constitutional law and business administrative law, the state regulates the legal relations within economic transactions and of the economic partners among themselves. From the point of view of the state, the promotion, management and regulation play an important role.
In contrast, the business private law affects directly the exchange of goods and services between manufacturers, traders and end customers.
The relevant regulations on complex economic legislation can be found in the civil code, the commercial code (HGB), the limited liability company act and the German stock companies act.
Also the basic law offers in main features guidelines for the economy in articles 12, 14, 15 and 74 GG.
There is an influence not to be underestimated which the legal specifications and regulations of the EU increasingly have on the design and exercise of economic activities, for example with regards to subsidies, grants, domestic trade or the recognition of new forms of companies.
If you as an entrepreneur or producer are affected by state regulations or you have questions as a trader or consumer, please contact us.
Tel.: +49 (0)7156 - 4 35 90